聖火示威者抵港遭遣返 《國殤之柱》原作者 表明和平示威
(明報) 04月 27日 星期日
【明報專訊】「事先張揚」會在火炬在港傳遞期間來港和平示威的外地關注中國人權組織「橙色行動」(The Color Orange),包括創作《國殤之柱》的丹麥雕塑家高志活(Jens Galschiot)在內的3名 成員昨午乘飛機抵港,落機後即被在場守候的入境處 人員跟隨,辦理入境手續時3人同被帶進房間盤問6小時,至昨晚11時許被荷槍實彈的警員強行押回原機遣返。
高志活在上機前一刻接受本報記者電話訪問時說,對於未能入境感到萬分失望。「我一直信任一國兩制 ,現在顯然不是這回事了!我只想來重修《國殤之柱》……我從未被任何國家拒絕入境,這是第一次。」他說,橙色行動沒有太多經費,這趟香港之旅用了很多錢,最終卻白白浪費。
入境處拒評個案 稱依法辦事
入境事務處 發言人回覆本報表示,不會評論個別個案,但指入境處有責任執行有效的入境管制,以確保香港的公眾利益。處方會依法辦事,根據現行政策及按個別情處理所有入境申請。
高志活在來港之前,早已在橙色行動的網頁中公布來港行程,包括乘搭來港的班機編號及到時間。與他一起來港的,包括來自同一組織的Markus兄弟,以及一名丹麥電視台的攝影師Niels Madsen。
負責到機場接待橙色行動成員的支聯會 代表Ocean Fung說,入境處職員譚小姐曾致電告訴她,3人正被扣留問話,請她繼續等消息。該職員亦表示不清楚問話原因,一切留待上司決定。
立法會 議員兼支聯會副主席李卓人表示,涂謹申 曾跟保安局 常任秘書長張瑤見面及交涉,但張沒有交代問話原因,只表示要繼續商討。
明報記者 覃純健 曾國宗
imagined community
the butterfly effect
Edward N. Lorenz, a Meteorologist and a Father of Chaos Theory, Dies at 90
Edward N. Lorenz, a meteorologist who tried to predict the weather with computers but instead gave rise to the modern field of chaos theory, died Wednesday at his home in Cambridge, Mass. He was 90.
The cause was cancer, said his daughter Cheryl Lorenz.
In discovering “deterministic chaos,” Dr. Lorenz established a principle that “profoundly influenced a wide range of basic sciences and brought about one of the most dramatic changes in mankind’s view of nature since Sir Isaac Newton,” said a committee that awarded him the 1991 Kyoto Prize for basic sciences.
Dr. Lorenz is best known for the notion of the “butterfly effect,” the idea that a small disturbance like the flapping of a butterfly’s wings can induce enormous consequences.
As recounted in the book “Chaos” by James Gleick, Dr. Lorenz’s accidental discovery of chaos came in the winter of 1961. Dr. Lorenz was running simulations of weather using a simple computer model. One day, he wanted to repeat one of the simulations for a longer time, but instead of repeating the whole simulation, he started the second run in the middle, typing in numbers from the first run for the initial conditions.
The computer program was the same, so the weather patterns of the second run should have exactly followed those of the first. Instead, the two weather trajectories quickly diverged on completely separate paths.
At first, he thought the computer was malfunctioning. Then he realized that he had not entered the initial conditions exactly. The computer stored numbers to an accuracy of six decimal places, like 0.506127, while, to save space, the printout of results shortened the numbers to three decimal places, 0.506. When typing in the new conditions, Dr. Lorenz had entered the rounded-off numbers, and even this small discrepancy, of less than 0.1 percent, completely changed the end result.
Even though his model was vastly simplified, Dr. Lorenz realized that this meant perfect weather prediction was a fantasy.
A perfect forecast would require not only a perfect model, but also perfect knowledge of wind, temperature, humidity and other conditions everywhere around the world at one moment of time. Even a small discrepancy could lead to completely different weather.
Dr. Lorenz published his findings in 1963. “The paper he wrote in 1963 is a masterpiece of clarity of exposition about why weather is unpredictable,” said J. Doyne Farmer, a professor at the Santa Fe Institute in New Mexico.
The following year, Dr. Lorenz published another paper that described how a small twiddling of parameters in a model could produce vastly different behavior, transforming regular, periodic events into a seemingly random chaotic pattern.
At a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1972, he gave a talk with a title that captured the essence of his ideas: “Predictability: Does the Flap of a Butterfly’s Wings in Brazil Set Off a Tornado in Texas?”
Dr. Lorenz was not the first to stumble onto chaos. At the end of the 19th century, the mathematician Henri Poincaré showed that the gravitational dance of as few as three heavenly bodies was hopelessly complex to calculate, even though the underlying equations of motion seemed simple. But Poincaré’s findings were forgotten through the first three-quarters of the 20th century.
Dr. Lorenz’s papers also attracted little notice until the mid-1970s.
“When it finally penetrated the community, that was what started people to really start to pay attention to this and led to tremendous development,” said Edward Ott, a professor of physics and electrical engineering at the University of Maryland. “He demonstrated a chaotic model in a real situation.”
Born in 1917 in West Hartford, Conn., Edward Norton Lorenz received a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Dartmouth College in 1938 and a master’s degree in math from Harvard in 1940. He worked as a weather forecaster during World War II, leading him to pursue graduate studies in meteorology; he earned master’s and doctoral degrees in meteorology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1943 and 1948.
Dr. Lorenz was a staff member of M.I.T.’s meteorology department from 1948 to 1955, when he became an assistant professor. He was promoted to professor in 1962 and served as head of the department from 1977 to 1981. He became an emeritus professor in 1987.
In addition to his daughter Cheryl, of Eugene, Ore., Dr. Lorenz is survived by another daughter, Nancy Lorenz of Roslindale, Mass; a son, Edward H. Lorenz of Grasse, France; and four grandchildren. His wife, Jane, died in 2001.
Dr. Lorenz remained active almost to the end of his life, in both research and outdoor activities.
“He was out hiking two and one-half weeks ago,” Cheryl Lorenz said, “and he finished a paper a week ago with a colleague.”
讀書壓力謀殺博士生 44歲讀5年未畢業 猝死書桌前
【明報專訊】讀書難,讀博士更是難上難,當中的壓力與孤寂,實不足為外人道。44歲的上海復旦大學博士生李開學,讀了5年博士課程,先後2次延長畢業時間都未能結業,更因背負論文、課題、就業、家庭、經濟的5 副重擔,日前疑因壓力過大猝死書桌前。
按復旦大學的規定,博士論文要過開題報告、中期考核、預答辯、論文盲審、答辯這5關。但李開學這幾年來,將大量精力用在參與導師浦興祖教授主持《中華人民共和國 政治制度史》上,並擔任第一卷副主編。由於缺少充足準備,李開學始終未能通過預答辯這關。
近期求職失敗 憂慮兒子學費
饒戈解釋,米放得太久會有穀牛,是因為米在運送過程中會混入穀牛卵。他指米堆內環境乾燥,不適合一般昆蟲生長,只有專吃米而生命力特別頑強的穀牛才可生存,甚至繁殖。由於穀牛每次產卵不多,只要不把大米長期存放,即不會積出大量穀牛。另外,穀牛在真空環境下亦不易生存。 "

前幾天開始下定決心,要嘗試煮好意大利粉。壓力大且沉悶的春季,讓人份外想做些常規以外的事。今天趁著商店週日早早關門前,買了些比較好的意粉和鮮蝦。晚上用各種材料,一試近日從各方資料學習來的正宗意粉煮法。 雞手鴨腳了好一陣子,終於製成了照片中的意粉。
開始想好好地煮意粉,是從對意大利菜重新體會而開始的。話說在Barcelona一間著名的tapas bar進餐時,與友人遇上了一對同是遊客的情侶。我們同時坐下,兩桌靠得近,大家都不懂Catalan,互相笑看對方盲摸摸叫菜,然後就談起上來了。對方跟我們也十分重視旅遊之中吃的環節,也差不多是為了西班牙菜而來,彼此談話的內容也自然環繞著世界各地的食物。我對歐洲菜始終認識不深,對方卻十分內行,交流之下我聽得津津有味。臨分別前對方擲重地分享說,意大利人對食物的熱愛,比西班牙更甚,叫我們有機會定要到當地一嘗。基於對他甚為欣賞,這句說話我一直記住。
認識意大利菜,當然由從新認識Pasta開始,pasta當中最基本的當推spaghetti了。從前常聽身邊人都說意大利粉好吃極有限,大概就overlook了這種食物的變化與深度。香港人都喜歡把意粉煮得完全熟透,然後淋上大量汁料,往往把意粉弄得非常軟身,這就把我們對意粉的印象固定在那種澮意粉或焗意粉的口感上。想起來,從前在中大Coffee Corner的意粉就全是這種樣子。這種作法,不一定做不出好味道的意粉,但卻跟傳統意式烹飪處理pasta的方法背道而馳了。而且,一碟Pasta入口時的軟硬度,某程度上就是它的靈魂。換言之,將一條意粉放進口裡,你已經能夠知道它的好壞。當然,意粉作為一種高度普及的食物,它的在地化過程也十分有趣,連我們的茶餐廳也供應,又一糾纏於global和local之間的物質例子。
意大利人對意粉軟硬度的重視,從它們語言中有專門詞彙形容而可見一斑。我也是最近才認識這個看來已相當普及的術語,Al Dente。語言與文化的關係,暫且不理什麼結構主義,來看看Al Dente好了。Al Dente這意大利詞彙原來是指牙齒,後來被專門用來形容pasta煮成後'結實而不過硬'的狀態,咬下去依然有彈力,是為烹調意粉最完美的形態(wikipedia的說法)。其實,簡單而言,就係彈牙同嚼勁。Al Dente這個甚具地方特色的詞語,亦成為世界各地無數意大利餐廳取名的靈感,香港也有至少一家。話說回來,有關煮意粉,談了這麼久也只在談如何把它煮熟而已。要把意粉煮得彈牙,每條分明,說來普通然而也是一門大學問了。
基本上,我是一個人煮意大利粉,一個人吃意大利粉。由於某種原因,和誰兩個人一起吃也不是沒有過。不過我還是喜歡一個人吃,我覺得意大利粉好像是應該一個人吃的料理。至於理由何在,則不清楚。 " - 村上春樹
