

好像才看畢去年的turner prize展覽沒多久,轉眼又在報上讀到新一年的候選人了,秋去春來,就是這麼一回事。可惜今年秋天如無意外將遠離倫敦,看不到在報上介紹已十分耀目的Susan Philipsz。認同城市除了本身的soundtrack外,不妨有另外一些混入音軌的話,他的裝置真是充滿趣味。報上更說Tate Britain將盡量遷就,讓他隨意在展場外的空間發揮。

Susan Philipsz: Lament for a drowned love

用Susan Philipsz跟樊同學換來了Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller

The house of books has no windows,太討我喜歡了。

opera for a small room


說起聲音跟裝置,三月在Barbican遇上的,還是難忘至極。進入展場前,見到門外棟著牌子,提醒進場者小心:"Birds are flying free'。多麼有詩意的告誡。人與非人的互動,造就的整個聲音環境,期待將來再碰上他的創作。在網上多找來幾個他其他作品,只想說句,He's simply amazing.

Trained as a musician and composer, French artist Céleste Boursier-Mougenot creates works by drawing on the rhythms of daily life to produce sound in unexpected ways. His installation for The Curve will take the form of a walk-though aviary for a flock of zebra finches, furnished with electric guitars and other instruments and objects. As the birds go about their routine activities, perching on or feeding from the various pieces of equipment, they create a captivating, live soundscape.

2 則留言:

bi 說...

我就是在愛丁堡的fruitmarket gallery遇上cardiff & miller的,the house of books是首件映入眼簾的作品,當時還彎下身子走了進去。

不看video還不知道這書屋原來是有structure的。and thx for introducing the other artists.

shunyumo 說...

好喎, 寫art喎.