

怎麼說呢?在倫敦時其實喜歡逛National Portrait Gallery遠遠多於大家都熱衷逛的National Gallery(我特別喜歡前者那在地下的小咖啡店)。而經常在畫廊展覽中見到得獎的,就是這種風格的人像照片啊。有點驚訝把相中人的五官拍得半分也見不到,在技術上是如何做得的,更惶論是慨念上了。如果是個新手,不作對焦,應該會把人物拍得很清楚吧。即使想到對焦窗子,拍下外面的明媚陽光,大概也不會得出這個結果;而且,人和窗令構圖也很巧妙。



p.s. 不管什麼既定分類了,我說,我說這首一定是傳說中的dream pop。

Radioidept - Strange Things Will Happen

Today was a pretty day
No disappointments
No expectations on your whereabouts
And oh, did I let you go?
Did it finally show that strange things will happen if you let

Today I didn't even try to hide
I'll stay here and never push things to the side
You can't reach me cause I'm way beyond you today

Today was a pretty day
Autumn comes with
These slight surprises where your life might twist and turn
Hope to unlearn
Strange things will happen
If you let them come around and stick around

Today I didn't even try to hide
I'll stay here and never push things to the side
Today I didn't even look to find
Something to put me in that peace of mind
You can't touch me cause I'm way beyond you today
