


寫到將近尾聲之時,要找一篇文章,而在裡面認識到Julie Mehretu的名字。回想human geography最先吸引我的,是許多地理學家都能旁徵博引,尤其是從電影、藝術中作聯想延伸。好像Olafur Eliasson,亦是從一篇探討空間的文章中所識。想到這一點,就覺得空間這概念好像離我現在想的問題太遠了。

分心的另一證據是在網上亂逛重遇patrick keiller這名字,然後又好懷念「與landscape熱戀」的時候。另外,今天讀明報星期日生活,見到葉蔭聰談想象的共同體,運用得來去自如,又是曾廢寢忘餐面對的概念。梁文道再談小吉,竟引用到Derrida和Berger談動物,今年年初曾希望循這兩個溪徑讀關於動物的,但還是改了方向。太多太多的概念,回頭看都不夠深刻,知一二而未能心領神會,不想再這樣水過鴨背下去。

Patrick Keiller許多年後的新作,Robinson in Ruins


同學說之前沒聽過Anthony and the Johnsons,要提醒一下他才行。:p



1 則留言:

classmate 說...

thanks for telling me about wellcome collection. the interior design (at least for the ground floor) is weird - it looks like an office building more than a museum - in fact its design doesn't give the slightest idea of its function at all. it doesn't look like belonging to a particular genre, and although the bookshop and cafe area doesn't have a strong character it is still nice and seems to be people's favourite place for reading and project meeting. now i have a place to hang out on thursday night =)